M551 Sheridan

US Airmobile Tanks 1941–2001

M551 Sheridan cover

M551 Sheridan

US Airmobile Tanks 1941–2001


Since the advent of airmobile warfare, there have been numerous attempts to support paratroopers with attached armored vehicles. This book tells the story of the US experience with air-mobile tanks, starting with their efforts in World War II. However, full success was not achieved until the production of the M551 Sheridan. The history of this tank provides the focal point of this book, highlighting the difficulties of combining heavy firepower in a chassis light enough for airborne delivery. The book examines its controversial debut in Vietnam, and its subsequent combat history in Panama and Operation Desert Storm. It rounds out the story by examining the failed attempts to replace the Sheridan with other armored vehicles.

Product details

Published 15 Mar 2011
Format Ebook (PDF)
Edition 1st
Extent 48
ISBN 9781846038730
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Series New Vanguard
Short code NVG
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Steven J. Zaloga

Steven J. Zaloga received his BA in History from U…


Tony Bryan


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