Empire of the Seas

How the navy forged the modern world

Empire of the Seas cover

Empire of the Seas

How the navy forged the modern world

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The BBC TV Tie-in to Dan Snow's Timewatch series exploring the navy's rise over four centuries.

The year 1588 marked a turning point in our national story. Victory over the Spanish Armada transformed us into a seafaring nation and it sparked a myth that one day would become a reality – that the nation's new destiny, the source of her future wealth and power lay out on the oceans.

This book tells the story of how the navy expanded from a tiny force to become the most complex industrial enterprise on earth; how the need to organise it laid the foundations of our civil service and our economy; and how it transformed our culture, our sense of national identity and our democracy.

Brian Lavery's narrative explores the navy's rise over four centuries; a key factor in propelling Britain to its status as the most powerful nation on earth, and assesses the turning point of Jutland and the First World War. He creates a compelling read that is every bit as engaging as the TV series itself.

Table of Contents

About the Author

Part 1: Heart of Oak
Chapter 1 Defeating the Armada
Chapter 2 The Drift to Civil War
Chapter 3 Dutch Wars
Chapter 4 Reform and Revolution

Part 2: The Golden Ocean
Chapter 5 European War
Chapter 6 Stability and Stagnation
Chapter 7 Broadening Horizons
Chapter 8 Defeat into Victory

Part 3: High Tide
Chapter 9 The Loss of America
Chapter 10 Crisis and Mutiny
Chapter 11 Nelson and the New Tactics
Chapter 12 The Triumphs and Limitations of Sea Power

Part 4: Sea Change
Chapter 13 The Effects of a Long Peace
Chapter 14 Steam, Steel and Shellfire
Chapter 15 Road to War
Chapter 16 The Test of War


Product details

Published Nov 01 2018
Format Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Edition 1st
Extent 336
ISBN 9781472835598
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Series General Military
Short code GNM
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Brian Lavery

Brian Lavery is one of Britain's leading naval his…


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