Germany’s East Wall in World War II

Germany’s East Wall in World War II cover

Germany’s East Wall in World War II


The East Wall was where the final battles for the stricken Third Reich were fought, amid scenes of utter carnage. Beginning life at the end of World War I, the wall became a pet project of Adolf Hitler's, whose ascent to power saw building work accelerated, with plans for a grand, 'Maginot-style' defence put in place. But with a characteristically erratic change of heart, Hitler began to systematically strip the wall of its best defensive assets to bolster the Atlantic Wall, never dreaming that he would face an attack on two fronts. Despite belated and somewhat bungled reinforcements later in the War, the East Wall would face a monstrous challenge as it became the Reich's last redoubt in the face of the mighty Soviet war machine. Neil Short brings his expert knowledge to bear with an analysis of different stages of the wall's construction, the years of neglect and decay and the hasty, drastic redevelopment in the face of the looming Soviet threat.

Product details

Published Jul 20 2015
Format Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Edition 1st
Extent 64
ISBN 9781472805881
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 6 col
Series Fortress
Short code FOR 108
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Neil Short

Neil Short studied history at the University of La…


Adam Hook

Adam Hook studied graphic design, and began his wo…


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