Modern African Wars (2)

Angola and Mozambique 1961–74

Modern African Wars (2) cover

Modern African Wars (2)

Angola and Mozambique 1961–74


Portugal was both the first and the last of the great European colonial powers. For 500 years Portugal had colonies in Africa. In 1960, as liberation movements swept across colonial Africa, the Portuguese flag still flew over vast expanses of territory across the continent. The spread of decolonization and the establishment of independent states whose governments were sympathetic to the cause of African nationalism led, in the early 1960s, to a series of wars in Angola, Guiné and Mozambique. This book details each of these liberation movements, focusing on the equipment, uniforms and organization of the Portuguese forces.

Product details

Published Mar 15 2011
Format Ebook (PDF)
Edition 1st
Extent 48
ISBN 9781846037009
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Series Men-at-Arms
Short code MAA 202
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Peter Abbott

Peter Abbott is a retired university lecturer. H…


Ronald Volstad

Ronald B. Volstad was born in 1949 in Alberta, Can…


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