Secondly, we are happy to announce that the future releases can now all be found by clicking on the "Upcoming Titles" section on the left hand navigational bar. Here you can look at, and buy the current months titles, as well as browse (and pre-order) books coming out over the next four months!
Having said that, this is just the first step in the ongoing improvements to the site. There are still a few nagging login / payment issues which we are working on. We have also come up with a new and improved way of sorting books on both the series and period pages, which we are hoping to implement over the coming weeks. An automated login password prompt is on the horizon, and we are also looking at improving the loading speed of the site.
If there is anything else that you would like to see, or any suggestions that you would like to make do please let us know by emailing us here.
Thanks again for all the feedback - keep it coming! Have a great weekend everyone...
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