Just a quick note to let you know what we've been up to lately. A couple of weeks ago, a few of us went to BEA in New York, which is the largest book fair in America. Publishers exhibit, and booksellers, librarians and teachers go to find out what new books are coming out. A great part of the show for me is that you get to check out the competition, meet everyone in one place, and pick up some great free books, because there are lots of advance copies being given away.
The Osprey stand was giving away advance copies of our new book, FUBAR: Soldier Slang of World War II. Coming out in September, it went down a storm - as did the promotional dog tags we were handing out with it. I've posted up a pic of them, and if you want one, I've got about 10 left, so just e-mail me (first come first served).
While I was on the stand, and in between meetings (the outcome of those I will share with you another time...) I thought I'd have a read of it, to see what all the fuss was about, and there were some absolute classics:
aussteigen - To alight. Leave a damaged tank, aircraft, or ship as if your trousers are on fire.
blank file - Stupid soldier.
khaki fever - Women offering sex to servicemen as a form of patriotism.
Hide and Hope - Unofficial motto of Tank Destroyer forces, as opposed to the official motto:"Seek, Strike, Destroy."
passion wagon - A lorry transporting single-minded men on pass to town.
shark bait - An unpopular officer who 'might' fall overboard while on a troop transport.
spam basher - A girl who sleeps with soldiers for food.
These of course are just a few, but if you know of any more, and feel like sharing, I'd really like to hear them!

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