Here are some Chilean Commando, Paratroop and Marine badges. I have used five books to help me name the. (1) “Badges & Insignia of the Elite Forces” by Leroy Thompson published by Arms and Armour Press 1992. (2) “Parachute Badges and Insignia of the World” by R.J. Bragg & Roy Turner published by Blandford Press 1979. (3) “Parachute Wings” by Bragg & Turner, published by Peter A. Heims Publications 1985. (4) “Marine Badges & Insignia of the World” by Bert L. Campbell & Ron Reynolds, published  by Blandford Press 1983. (5) “Cuatro Siglos de Uniformes en Chile” by Alberto and Antonio Marquez Allison, published by Editorial Andres Bello, Chile 1972.  


A2-42   Chilean Picklehaulbe National Coat of Arms plate, white metal 1960\'s


A2-43   Mountain / Commando shoulder patch, note the commando knife a Chilean Corvo Knife, dated 1990.


A2-44   Mountain / Commando shoulder patch, in subdued O/D, dated 1990.


A2-45   24th Mountain Battalion, silver beret badge with frosted Condor claw, I have it dated 2001.


A2-46   As A2-45 but fully polished badge, could it be a different unit or section in this Battalion, or an earlier version, I have it dated 1990.


A2-47   Commando / Special Forces qualification breast badge, metal, 1980.  (see Leroy)


A2-48   Commando Paratrooper beret badge, metal, dated 2001.


A2-49   Commando Paratrooper label badge, metal, dated 1994.


A2-50   Special Forces beret badge, legend “VENCETE  PARA  VENCER”, brass, dated 1990.


A2-51   Commando shoulder title arc, cloth, dated 1990. (see Leroy for variations)


A2-52   Commandos of the Special Forces Squadron, cloth with plastic fronting, dated 1990. (see Leroy)


A2-53   Commando (Special Forces) shoulder patch in cloth with plastic fronting, dated 1990. (see Leroy, not exactly the same but close enough)


A2-54   Commando cloth shoulder patch, green edge, dated 1995.


A2-55   Commando cloth shoulder patch, black edging, dated 2001.


A2-56   Parachute wings, basic, silver metal, pin on back, dated 1990. (see Blandford Para) 


A2-57   Parachute wings, senior, silver metal, pin on back, has C. LEIVA  G. DIEGO 1358 STGO stamped on the back, dated 1990. (see Blandford Para)


Parachute wings, master, silver metal, 2 pinch clips on back, dated 1980\'s. (see Blandford Para)


A2-59   Parachute wings, pathfinders wings, gold metal, 2 pinch clips on back, dated 2001.

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