If you are interested in meeting Pete Winner, the author of our new book Soldier I: The Story of an SAS Hero, you have one more chance.
In the Chichester branch of Waterstones on Sunday 30th May at 6.30pm Pete will be delivering a lecture about his experiences in the run up to and execution of the Iranian Embassy siege, before holding a brief question and answer session and a book signing.
Petes talks are always worth a watch - particularly as he brings a scale replica of the model used to plan the attack on the Embassy with him, which helps give a much better understanding of the events as they unfold. Here is a picture of Pete Winner (on the left in the balaclava) with his scale model, and his mate and fellow Osprey author Pete Scholey who wrote SAS Heroes.
The event at Chichester is ticketed, so get in touch with the store early to make sure you don't miss out! You can ring the store on 01243 773 030.
If you do miss out on this event, Pete Winner will also be at the National Army Museum, from 2.30 pm on Saturday 19th June. For more information about this talk, check out the National Army Museum website. All Osprey fans can get an extra special discount to attend this event at a reduced rate of £2.50
All you need to do is download this voucher and bring it along on the day to claim your discount!
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