Ben Salveson is the Osprey Production and Design Controller, which basically means that Ben puts together our books, designs the internal layouts, makes sure all the photos and text are in the right place, before shifting the books across to the printers, and then making sure that the books are delivered on time into our warehouse in the UK and the US. Ben works on the Weapon, Campaign and Warrior series and helps out with some of our General paperbacks. As well as this huge pile of work, Ben kindly helps out with added design work - putting together things like our catalogues and any adverts that we run in various magazines etc.
I asked Ben what his favourite Osprey book was, and he responded with -

"When asked to pick my favorite Osprey title I had mixed feelings. I work in the Design and Production department and was therefore a little uncertain on what criteria to base my choice. I must confess that not all the content that I work with is of huge interest to me...
There is one book that I felt had everything that I was looking for though, Warrior 151 Samurai Women.
This title is written by Stephen Turnbull, an author who I enjoy reading. Not least because I love the colourful stories he tells and the way in he weaves them together. Stephen also sources fantastic images to work with, many of which he has photographed personally. I admire him for his passion - he once explained to me how he “had to take a photograph through a key hole” just because it simply had to be in his book. We like to try to keep his fantastic images in colour and this book is no exception, full colour and packed with interesting cutouts.
However, my main reason for choosing this tile is the fantastic Giuseppe Rava artwork. Bold, bright and evocative, I feel it compliments the subject matter perfectly. Oh and the book contains my favorite artwork plate - check it out on page 35."
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