2013 is a bit of a landmark year for New Vanguard. The series enters its 20th year and at the same time racks up book number 200 in the series - and if the hitlist meetings and various suggestion polls we have run on the site in the last few months are any indication, NVG is going to be with us for a long time!
So, lets delve into the 2013 list for NVG titles:
NVG 196 Warships of the Ancient World: 3000-500 BC (Jan 2013)
NVG 197 M103 Heavy Tank 1950-74 (Feb 2013)
NVG 198 Imperial Japanese Navy Destroyers (1) Minekaze to Hatsuharu classes (Mar 2013)
NVG 199 Tanks of Hitler's Eastern Allies 1941-45 (Apr 2013)
NVG 200 British Battleships 1914-18 (1) The Early Dreadnoughts (May 2013)
NVG 201 M7 Priest 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage (Jul 2013)
NVG 202 Imperial Japanese Navy Destroyers 1919-45 (2) Asashio to Matsu classes (Sep 13)
NVG ??? 42cm Big Bertha and German Siege Artillery of WWI (Nov 2013)
NVG ??? US Flamethrower Tanks of World War II (Oct 2013)
NVG ??? British Battleships 1914-18 (2) The Super Dreadnoughts (Oct 2013)
NVG ??? US Army and Marine Corps MRAPs (Nov 2013)
So, I am sure you will agree that is a rather epic list, with a couple of 2-book series naval titles propping up a rather exciting list. Me? Well I am all over that MRAPs book (and if truth be told I have been nagging Phil to do a Big Bertha book for close to 3 years now!).
What floats your boat in this list? Which title are you planning to track closely? How bad can my puns get before they ship me off?
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