Despite having only just announced the imminent arrival of the Air Vanguard series, we have been working on the concept for a number of years, and actually commissioned a number of the books many months ago (I know, we are sneaky and secretive aren't we?).

Now it is still obviously way too early to have much material in for the series, most of the authors are still busy researching and writing the books and the artists are still working on their side of the bargain. But, one of our artists has actually been able to finish off some of his art sooner than we had expected - maybe he is trying to impress us, as this will be his first ever Osprey book. So here are a couple of pieces of art from the upcoming Air Vanguard series, and a hearty welcome to our newest artist, the brilliant Simon Smith!


Osprey-Tondern Sopwith Camels-Simon Smith_full res












2Lt Gerald Birks 66 Sqdn Camel 1918 -Simon Smith final full res