The series was created by Impossible Factual for National Geographic and American Heroes Channel. It is six episodes long and looks back upon the most important missions of World War II and reveals how elite bands of brave and highly trained soldiers carried out daring raids that changed the course of history.
Today's episode will cover the fledgling SAS's raid on an airfield in Libya in 1941. It's called 'The SAS versus Rommel', and unsurprisingly the Osprey book it's linked with is Raid 43 Kill Rommel: Operation Flipper.
The programme will be an hour long, and it begins at 12:00 PM on the National Geographic Channel, UK. So make sure you tune in, and let us know what you think!
US viewers check the American Heroes Channel to see when the episodes are on. For viewers in other countries, check your National Geographic channel for when the episodes are scheduled!
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