After the sell-out success of Imperium, one of the worlds most successful board gaming sites has put out a review of Imperium: Legends and Imperium: Classics. The Dice Tower has an incredible following and we could not be prouder of receiving a review for our civilsation deck-builders. We won't spoil the details of the video but reviewer Mike DiLisio awarded the games an 8.5/10 as well as awarding the game their much sought after seal of excellence!
“This is a very, very good solo game. I’m calling it an outstanding solo game” – Mike DiLisio, The Dice Tower
Learn more about the game design of Imperium over on Nigel Buckle’s design blogs here.
Each box of Imperium contains 8 civilisations with unique playstyles and features. Read more about the intricacies on our Civilisation Spotlight series:
The Carthaginians
The Egyptians
The Persians
The Mauryans
The Celts
The Qin Dynasty
The Romans
The Macedonians
The Minoans
The Olmecs
The Scythians
The Atlanteans
The Arthurians
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