This month's book vote sees five Elite titles battling for your support. Read the full descriptions and have your say by visiting the Book Vote page. Plus, check out the results of last month's Combat Aircraft vote.


American Civil War Siege Warfare 1861–65

Imperial Japan’s Air Forces 1937–45

The Luftwaffe 1935–45

The Royal Air Force at War 1945–91

The US Air Force at War 1947–91



American Civil War Siege Warfare 1861–65

From the opening shots at Fort Sumter to the final battles around Appomattox, siege warfare played a major part in the Civil War. During 1861–65, the application of emerging technologies and methods to the perennial challenges of position warfare saw innovation on both sides, with the savage fighting at Yorktown, Vicksburg and Petersburg among the most gruelling of the conflict. The tactics and specialist equipment used by both sides are examined in this fully illustrated account.


Imperial Japan’s Air Forces 1937–45

Before and during World War II, Imperial Japan’s army and navy both fielded substantial air arms, with the IJNAS responsible for naval aircraft and aerial warfare in the Pacific War and the IJAAS providing tactical close air support, air interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, long-range bomber operations and strategic air defence. This absorbing study describes and depicts the evolving uniforms and personal gear worn by Imperial Japan’s air arms in World War II.


The Luftwaffe 1935–45

In just ten years, Nazi Germany’s Luftwaffe achieved global notoriety as it played a central role in the Blitzkrieg concept and ranked among the world’s foremost air arms, with a peak strength of nearly three million personnel. Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring’s determination to make the Luftwaffe responsible for all aspects of aerial warfare saw the incorporation of naval aviation, airborne troops, air-defence units and even an armoured division.


The Royal Air Force at War 1945–91

The world’s first independent air force, the RAF won lasting fame during World War II, and continued to be at the forefront of British military operations throughout the Cold War era. From the Berlin Airlift 1948–49 to the Gulf War of 1990–91, the RAF operated in a wide variety of challenging operational environments and faced multiple threats. Fully illustrated, this study explores the organization, uniforms and personal equipment of the RAF during the Cold War years.


The US Air Force at War 1947–91

Founded in 1907 and becoming a separate branch of the US Armed Forces forty years later, the USAF served in a range of settings across the globe after World War II, notably in Korea, Vietnam and neighbouring countries, and the Persian Gulf. As the Cold War endured and the advent of the jet engine, nuclear weapons and other technologies transformed the nature of aerial combat, the uniforms and personal gear used by the various branches of the USAF have also evolved.



Last month, we asked what you would like to see published in our Combat Aircraft series. Thank you to everyone who voted and provided feedback. There was a lot of strong competition, but the results are in and we have a winner. Here they are:


Mosquitos in the Far East - 24%

RAF Lightning Units of the Cold War - 12%

Mitsubishi Ki-21 ‘Sally’ Units in Combat - 30%

P-47N Thunderbolt Units of the Central Pacific - 20%

B-47 Stratojet Units of the Cold War - 13%