Wars of the Republic

Ancient Roman Wargaming 343–50 BC

Wars of the Republic cover


From the First Samnite War and the eventual conquest of the Italian Peninsula, to the defeat by Hannibal at Lake Trasimene, and final victory over the Gauls at Alesia, Wars of the Republic is a miniature wargame that allows you to campaign with the legions or stand firm against Roman expansion and fight throughout the ancient Mediterranean. This book contains all the rules required to fight battles during this period, including multiple army lists to reflect the changing nature of the Roman military and the varied opponents they faced, be it Gaul, Italian, Carthaginian, Iberian, or Greek.

Product details

Published Nov 25 2021
Format Ebook (Epub)
Edition 1st
Extent 64
ISBN 9781472844903
Imprint Osprey Games
Series Osprey Wargames
Short code OWG
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Eric Farrington

Eric Farrington has been a wargamer since the late…


Giuseppe Rava

Giuseppe Rava was born in Faenza in 1963, and took…


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