At the moment military history seems to be creating a bit of a buzz particularly in the States where Ken Burns\' new documentary series on World War II has just launched. I was a huge fan of his Civil War documentary series (The Civil War) so I am literally chomping on the bit to see this one though this side of the Atlantic we will have to wait quite a while before we get to view it. However, for all of you who, like me are unwilling to wait, PBS have put together a great website with highlights from the series and video clips of interviewees which is worth a visit (The War). I found this great one describing a soldier called Joe Medicine Crow literally wrestling a German soldier to the ground (Joe Medicine Crow interview). Joe managed to survive this encounter and a number of others to live to tell the tale and I think it is so important that we are recording his and his fellow veterans thoughts while we still have the chance.
But its not just TV and books where military is the new catch phrase. The latest fitness fad currently taking the UK by storm is British Military Fitness (BMF). Created by former soldiers as an alternative to the lycra clad, swiss ball using, water fountain world of gyms; its essentially an outdoor gym in parks all around the country. Run by rather scary looking former sergeants and their brothers-in-arms, it promises to “beast” you into physical fitness just like joining the Marines but presumably without the short-back-and-sides hair cut! Coming to a park near you…
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