Debates on other forums like the miniature pages often mirror internal debates we have over what subjects and periods we should be publishing. No one forgets, whether they be editorial, sales or marketing, that books have to work on their own merits, but within that caveat there is still plenty of wriggle room for the occasional jump onto a soapbox about your own personal favourite.

Mine is Napoleonic and in particular the Peninsular War (1808-1814). As far as I am concerned the conflict had everything - a small professional army learning its craft under Wellington, incompetent (and not so) allies from the Spanish armies that ran away at Talavera to the Portuguese Caçadores and savagely brave guerrillas, conventional battles like Salamanca and insurgency, a supremely professional and ruthless opponent, sieges like Badajoz, battles in the mountains and the plains and the engineering feat that was the lines of Torres Vedras. Within each battle the science of combining infantry, cavalry and artillery to defeat the enemy, with the splendid (although often ragged) uniforms whether they be red, blue, green or brown has the right balance of technology, pageantry and human effort to create a compelling and fascinating story. Why would you like any other period?

So all I need to do know is convince everyone that Napoleonic is ripe for a huge comeback and that we need to get back to Talavera and Albuera. Should be easy…