We recently had a hit-list meeting here at Osprey where Editorial, Marketing, Sales and anyone who knows anything about anything sit down and talk through future titles. We take a look at submissions from Authors both old and new, ideas from all our Editors, feedback from shows and bookshops, the results of the monthly poll and then we sit down and start bickering (amicably).
Obviously we are a commercial organisation that would like to continue to produce these books. So we have to balance out the obvious 'big-hitters' with the niche topics that are going to do well alongside the gaps we have not filled yet. Sadly we can't everything and there are impassioned debates over topics like the Selous Scouts as everyone has their favourite unit, campaign or tank. The dilemma was neatly summarised on Armorama with a review of our Duel series by Jim Rae.
Finally we came to a resolution but I thought it worth putting the question out their again. What have we missed? Forgetting for the minute your personal favourite, that only you and one other person on the other side of the world is interested in, what obvious great topics have we not done? Let us know and we'll start the bickering again...
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