Combat Aircraft 024 Conflict in the Balkans 1991-2000
Combat Aircraft 027 Air War in the Gulf 1991
Combat Aircraft 033 B29 Superfortress Units of World War 2
Combat Aircraft 062 US Navy PBY Catalina Units of the Pacific War
Elite 5 Soviet Bloc Elite Forces
Elite 8 Israeli Defence Forces since 1973
Elite 27 Soldiers of the English Civil War (2) Cavalry
Elite 43 Vietnam Marines 1965-73
Men-At-Arms 043 Napoleon's German Allies (2) Nassau and Oldenburg
Men-At-Arms 053 Rommel's Desert Army
Men-At-Arms 104 Armies of the Vietnam War 1962-75
Men-At-Arms 116 The Special Air Service
Men-At-Arms 159 Grenada 1983
MAA 196 The British Army on Campaign (2) The Crimea
Men-At-Arms 202 Modern African Wars (2) Angola and Mozambique
Men-At-Arms 205 US Army Combat Equipments 1910-88
Men-At-Arms 226 The American War 1812-14
Men-at-Arms 244 The French Army in the American War of Independence
Men-At-Arms 254 Wehrmacht Auxiliary Troops
Men-At-Arms 270 Flags of the Third Reich (1) Wehrmacht
Men-At-Arms 406 The British Army in World War 1 (3) The Eastern Fronts
New Vanguard 12 BMP Infantry Fighting Vehicle
New Vanguard 18 M2 / M3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1983-95
New Vanguard 24 Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank 1978-1998
New Vanguard 68 Centurion Universal Tank 1943-2003
New Vanguard 92 Confederate Blockade Runner 1861-65
Warrior 100 Nelson\'s Sailors
In case you missed them, we still have stock for some of the books that were reprinted in October and September, why not have a look and see if there is something there that you are after.
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