So, here is a list of the titles that are back in stock in the UK and the US / Canada
UK / USA / Canada - Back in stock
Men-at-Arms 17 French Foreign Legion
Men-at-Arms 070 US Army 1941-45
Men-at-Arms 121 Armies of the Carthiaginian War
Men-at-Arms 218 Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-2000 BC
Men-at-Arms 256: The Irish Wars 1485-1603
Men-at-Arms 289 King George's Army 1740-93 ( 2)
Men-at-Arms 314 Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775-1820
Men-at-Arms 326 The German Army 1939-45 ( 3)
Men-at-Arms 327 US Marine Corps in World War 1 1917-18
Men-at-Arms 348 Moors: The Islamic West 7TH-15TH Centuries AD
Men-at-Arms 401 The Waffen SS-SS (1)
Men-at-Arms 417: The Irish Defence Forces since 1922
Elite 011 Ardennes 1944
Elite 038 NVA & Vietcong
Elite 055 Marione Recon 1940-90
Elite 69: Buccaneers 1620-1700
Campaign 033 Aspern & Wagram 1809
Campaign 042 Bagration 1944
Campaign 052 Gettysburg 1863
Campaign 057 San Juan Hill 1898
Campaign 67: Saratoga 1777
Campaign 122 Tannenburg 1410
New Vanguard 009 T-34/76 Medium Tank 1941-45
New Vanguard 074 British Motor Torpedo Boat 1939-45
Warrior 008 British Cavalryman 1793-1815
Warrior 42: Redcoat Officer
Essential Histories 002 Crimean War
Essential Histories 037 Spanish Civil War
Essential Histories 42: Caesar's Civil War
Essential Histories 063 The collapse of Yugloslavia
Modelling Manual 001 Basic Aviation Modelling
Fortress 015 Germany's West Wall: The Siegfried Line
Fortress 024 Fortifications of the Western Front 1914-18
Aircraft of the Aces 003 Wildcat Acess OF WW2
Aircraft of the Aces 018 HURRICANE Aircraft of the AcesS 1939-40
Aircraft of the Aces 021 Polish Aces World War 2
Aircraft of the Aces 028 French Aces of World War 2
Aircraft of the Aces 81: Griffon Spitfire Aces
Combat Aircraft 010 SBD Daunnless Units of World War 2
Combat Aircraft 14: Halifax Squadrons of World War 2
Aviation Elite Units 005 B-29 Hunters of the JAAF
Aviation Elite Units 013 Luftwaffe Units of Schlachgruppen
A few of these books were not reprinted in the USA or Canada (and some have already been snapped up) - so here is a list of the titles that are only available in the UK.
UK only reprints
Men-at-Arms 292 King George's Army 1740-93 ( 3)
Men-at-Arms 357 WW2 Allied Women's Services
Elite 44: Security Forces in Northern Ireland 1969-92
Elite 092 WW2 Medal of Honour recipients (1)
Elite 113: US Navy Seals
Campaign 025 Leipzig 1813
Campaign 70: Marengo 1800
Campaign 124 Fair Oaks 1862
New Vanguard 064 Confed Raider 1861-65
New Vanguard 140: Armored Trains
Warrior 016 British Tommy 1914-18
Aircraft of the Aces 036 P-39 Aircobra Aces of World War 2
Keep an eye on the blog for further updates about reprinted titles on a monthly basis - and if you have any particular books that you would like us to reprint - let us know, and we will see if we can add it to our ongoing reprint programme!
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