The results of a series of strategic meetings in 2007/08 are now starting to filter through into new series and new titles. Alongside Raid in September and Command in 2010 we are pleased to announce another new series scheduled for 2010. This new series War Animal reflects the unprecedented response to our recent New Vanguard title on War Elephants and allows us to examine from yet another previously unexplored angle, forgotten aspects of both campaigns and combatants.
After extensive research, a group of Osprey editors and authors have come up with the launch titles for the new series. Based on the 48 page layout of Men-at-Arms, each book will include 6 plates of full colour artwork, including at least one battlescene, one 'exploded kit' diagram, one cutaway and a series of maps and bird's eye views.
Launch is scheduled for January 2010 with at least fifteen titles being rolled out over the next two years. A special launch party will take place in the Lion Enclosure at London Zoo on the 15th January 2010. All are welcome.
The following titles have already been commissioned for the series:
WA 1: Pack Mules of World War II
WA 2: Messenger Pigeons of the Western Front
WA 3: Cavalry Horses of World War I
WA 4: Soviet Canine Messengers
WA 5: Mine Detection Animals 1940-2009: Rats, Bats, Pigs, Dogs and Sheep
WA 6: US Navy Dolphin Squads
WA 7: Persian War Rhino
WA 8: Soviet Bear Mascots
WA 9: Norwegian Penguin Officers
WA 10: Dickin Medal Winners
WA 11: Napoleonic Ship's Cats: The Rat Hunters
WA 12: Camels, Oxen and Reindeer: Novel Military Transporters
WA 13: US Navy Seals: The Aquatic Mammal Version
WA 14: Romanian Werewolf Squads: 1939-1989
WA 15: Transylvania's Vampire Bats: From Vlad to Dracula 1431-1897
The welfare of animals during conflict and war is important - and this was finally recognized in 2004 with the construction of the Animals in War memorial.

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