But there is still time to save many of them, and at least one museum is looking for help. The North Carolina Museum of History is currently running an adopt an artifact program, and asking us regular folks to help contribute to the cost of repairing and preserving many historical artifacts. One artifact that can currently be adopted is the standard of the 23rd North Carolina Regiment, a unit which served in major actions throughout the Civil War.

Being a history buff, an American Civil War fan, and a good North Carolina boy, I have decided to donate 25 cents toward the preservation of the flag for every Civil War miniature I paint this year. It\'s not a lot, and it certainly isn\'t going to raise the $7,000 needed to save the flag, but it is what I can afford. I\'d love if some fellow American Civil War wargamers would band with me and make a similar pledge and see if together we can make a difference towards saving a little piece of history.
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