There are a raft of titles that crop up again and again in this list. Some of these suggestions have already been commissioned. We are desperately searching for authors and illustrators for some of the other subjects. But I can help you with two of the most requested subjects on the website.
Many of you have pointed out how we have Elite titles on the Medal of Honor, and the Knight's Cross. In fact we have four books on the Knight's Cross (ELI 114 Knights Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 1939-40, Elite 123 Knights Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 1941-45, Elite 133 Knights Cross and Oak-Leaves and Swords Recipients 1941-45 and Elite 139 Knights Cross with Diamonds Recipients) and two medal of honor books (Elite 92 World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (1) and Elite 95 World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (2)). But you have noticed that we haven't done a Victoria Cross Winners book.
Similarly, many of you point out that our New Vanguard series is a bit light on First World War Tanks. Sure we have books on the main suspects - The Mark IV, the Mark I and German Panzers (New Vanguards 133, 127 and 100 respectively) but apart from that we haven't covered many of the other titles.
And I'm sorry to say - probably after getting your hopes up, Osprey are still to publish books on the Victoria Cross or First World War Tanks. But here is the good news. Shire Publications have! Our sister publisher has done books on both The Victoria Cross and the First World War Tank - and both of these are available to buy now. In fact, if you have registered and bought books on the Osprey site, you can use the same log-in details on the Shire site. If you are a Silver or Gold member you can also utilize your discounts on the Shire site.
The book on the Victoria Cross discusses the history behind the award - as well as listing the recipients and citations for those who won the award.
The book on
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