I've just got a small batch of books back in stock for you today, but there are some real gems, including two Campaigns which flew out of stock after their initial print run, an Elite which sees its first print run in 8 years, and a pair of Men-at-Arms covering 16th century armies!
CAM 16: Kursk 1943
CAM 185: Naseby 1645
CAM 226: Midway 1942
CAM 228: Teutoburg AD 9
COM 59: F-15E Strike Eagle Units in Combat 1990-2005
ELI 18: Israeli Elite Units since 1948 (US Only)
ELI 97: The Kaiser's Warlords
ELI 164: British Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792-1815
FOR 23: German Field Fortifications 1939-45
FOR 47: Fortifications of the Incas
MAA 86: Samurai Armies 1550-1615
MAA 188: Polish Armies 1569-1696 (2)
MAA 218: Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-200 BC
MAA 243: Rome's Enemies (5) The Desert Frontier
NVG 48: The 25-pounder Field Gun 1939-72
NVG 165: US Destroyers 1942-45: Wartime classes
NVG 168: British Aircraft Carriers 1939-45
WAR 114: African American Soldier in the Civil War (US Only)
WAR 116: Viet Cong Fighter
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