A3 –1 Lieutenants Melvill and Coghill (24th Regiment) Dying to save the Queens Colours; An incident at the Battle of Isandlwana. Painting by C. E. Fripp.
A3-2 Sergeant of the Kings Royal Rifles, photo by Gregory & Co. London.
A3-3 Private and Corporal of the Gordon Highlanders.
A3-4 Sergeant and Bugler 1st Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders.
A3-5 Sergeant and Private of the Dublin Fusiliers.
A3-6 Colour-Sergeant and Private (in Khaki) Gloucester Regiment.
A3-7 Sergeant-Major Imperial Light Horse.
A3-8 Paul Kruger, President of the Transvaal Republic, photo by Elliott & Fry, London.
A3-9 General Sir Evelyn Wood G.C.B. V.C., photo by Maull & Fox, London.
A3-10 Major-General Sir W. F. Gatacre K.C.B., photo by Elliott & Fry, London.
A3-11 Major-General Hector A. MacDonald C.B., photo by Heath, Plymouth.
A3-12 Lieut.-General Sir Charles Warren G.C.M.G., photo by Elliott & Fry, London.
A3-13 Lieut.-General J. D. P. French, photo by Lambert Weston & Son, Folkstone.
A3-14 A Matabele Raid in Mashonaland, drawn by W. Small from sketches by A. R.
Colquhoun, First Administrator of Mashonaland.
A3-15 The Matabele War – Defending a Laager, drawing by R. Caton Woodville.
A3-16 Col. Pilchers Attack on Sunnyside Kopje – Canadian and Australian Contingents receive their “Baptism of Fire”, drawing by H. C. Seppings Wright from sketch by Fred Villiers.
A3-17 The Crossing of Potgeiter’s Drift, January 16, drawn by Enock Ward from a full sketch by Rene Bull War Artist with General Buller.
A3-18 Taking the 4.7 Naval Gun across the Tugela, drawing by J. Finnemore.
A3-19 A Picket of 13th Hussars surprised near the Tugela River (Hussar Hill), drawing by John Charton.
A3-20 The Scene on Spion Kop – Major Thorneycroft’s desperate situation, drawing by Frank Craig from a sketch by a British Officer.
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