Over the last couple of months you have all been having your say on what subjects we should revisit in some of our classic series. Last month we covered Campaign - and now the results of your suggestions are showing up on the Book Vote. So get voting and lets see what wins the day. There was a phenomenal response to the earlier book vote for the Men-At-Arms series, the results of which made for very interesting reading!

This month, we turn our attentions to another of our classic series - Elite.

The first Elite title rapelled onto bookshelves back in 1984 and since then more than 200 Elite titles have been published, with Elite 200 World War II Glider Assault Tactics publishing earlier this year. Now, we are the first to admit that 'Elite' tag doesn't always quite ring true with the subjects that now appear in the series (also see the ongoing 'What constitutes a Raid / Campaign' debate!) and the series now includes the really successful Tactics mini-series. But what subjects in the series need a re-visit? When we first started talking about this a number of forum and blog commentators suggested that our MAA SAS title could do with a new treatment - perhaps it should be covered in the Elite series. I am a huge fan of the Angus McBride artwork in ELI 3 The Vikings (which incidentally remains one of the best-selling Elite titles) - but with the new research into the subject, could it be time for a new treatment - perhaps with some Peter Dennis art gracing the pages of the book? Or maybe there are some subjects which could use a multiple book treatment to provide more in-depth detail? 

Let us know what you think!

The Rules!

  • Suggest two titles that you think we should revisit - with a brief sentence explaining why and how.

  • You have a third slot that you can use to support a suggestion made by another poster.

  • Remember, if your ideas have already been listed, chip in to support them anyway!

  • At the end of the month we will tally up the results and put the most popular to a book vote.

  • And last, but not least, this is for subjects already covered in Elite. An opportunity to suggest brand new titles on the blog will emerge in the future, and the forum and book suggestion drop box continue to be monitored by us!