It’s another busy year for Osprey Wargaming. With new books for Bolt Action, Across A Deadly Field and the Osprey Wargames Series.  2015 also sees the release of the new, standalone fantasy skirmish game, Frostgrave.  So, without further ado, here’s the list:


Bolt Action: Ostfront


Across a Deadly Field – The War in the West

OWG 9: Fighting Sail – Fleet Actions 1775 – 1815


Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City

Bolt Action: Germany Strikes!


OWG 10: Black Ops – Tactical Espionage Wargaming


Bolt Action: Empire in Flames


OWG 11: Honours of War – Wargames Rules for the Seven Years’ War

So, World War II, Napoleonic ship action, American Civil War, modern warfare, Seven Years War, and even fantasy.  That’s nearly something for everyone.  If you are one of the few people whose period we aren’t covering, we promise to try to get you next year!

Oh, there is also one more little addition to the list, but that will be announced a couple of months.