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We only have one title joining our Fortress series in 2018, will it be making its way onto your shelves?
Defenses of Bermuda 1612–1995
Bermuda has played an important military role between America and Europe for almost 400 years due to its location in the Western North Atlantic some 635 miles off the Carolinas halfway between Halifax and Jamaica. Bermuda was a key naval base for the Royal Navy after the American Revolution in 1783, and ultimately as allies with the United States. Defending its coastline (64 miles) and ports has been vital, resulting in the construction of over ninety forts and batteries, even though its total land mass is only 20.6 square miles. This concentration of fortifications (4.4 forts per square mile), British possession, and its small size led to Bermuda gaining the informal title of the “Gibraltar of the West”. Today, the legacy of these defense works remains either as disused structures or parks scattered throughout Bermuda. The book provides an overview of their design, features, and operational history of Bermuda’s fortifications from the settlement of the islands in 1612 to the closure of the last defense base in 1995, as well as what has happened to these fortifications since that time, and which are the best ones to visit today through meticulous research and stunning commissioned color artwork.
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