We’ve got some really exciting Campaigns for 2025! Ranging from ancient to medieval to World War I and, of course, World War II, there’s a great selection across history. Alongside our favourite veteran authors, we also have some exciting new talent joining us this year. Packed with 2D maps, battlescene artwork, 3D bird’s-eye-view diagrams and period images, these new titles will be a great addition to our list.

Looking to the Romans, we have Nic Fields returning with his next title on the Jugurthine War 112–106 BC and Mark van der Enden covering Cynoscephalae 197 BC. Moving forward in time, we have Bouvines 1214 from James Titterton and Stoke 1487 from Dickon Whitewood. Exploring one of the greatest naval commanders and a Korean national hero, Hansando and Busan 1592 by Yuhan Kim will cover Admiral Yi’s campaign against the Japanese.

Also coming up is Manila Bay 1898 by Brian Lane Herder, Mukden 1905 by John Valitutto, and Sinai 1916–17 by Stuart Hadaway. Moving into World War II, we have a plethora of titles. Pier Paolo Battistelli returns with two new books: East Africa Campaign 1940–41 (now publishing December 2024) and Yugoslavia 1941–44. Eastern Front expert Robert Forczyk is the author of a title on the Kamenets-Podolsky Pocket 1944. Tim Moreman takes us to the East with Second Arakan 1943–44. Michael McNally will be publishing the first of two volumes on Hürtgen Forest 1944. Naval king Angus Konstam is also supplying two new titles for 2025: Convoy PQ-17 1942 and Second Sirte 1942. We’ve got Mark Stille delivering his second volume in the trilogy on the Battle of the Atlantic, and, finally, we have Nomonhan/Khalkhin Gol 1939 from David Murphy.

And of course, alongside our great authors, we’ve got some of our most talented artists returning for 2025. We will be featuring artwork from Adam Hook, Adam Tooby, Marco Capparoni, Johnny Shumate, Edouard A. Groult, Graham Turner, Jim Laurier and Darren Tan. Hopefully, there’s a little something for everyone and you’ll be just as excited for the new Campaigns as we are.


CAM 410 East Africa Campaign 1940–41: The Battle for the Horn of Africa

By Pier Paolo Battistelli

Illustrated by Johnny Shumate


A fascinating study of one of the often overlooked World War II campaigns as British/Commonwealth, Indigenous and Italian forces battled for control of the Horn of Africa.

In mid-1940, Italy’s East African colonies posed a significant threat to the British Empire, and in particular to the flow of supplies through the Red Sea to Egypt. British High Command feared moves from Italian East Africa and so sent reinforcements to its positions in Kenya and Sudan. Thus began a series of clashes across East Africa, with the British attempting to keep the Italians isolated and unable to threaten British supply lines. In March 1941, British theatre commander General Archibald Wavell opted for a lightning campaign to eliminate the Italian threat for good.

Italian military historian Pier Paolo Battistelli provides a fresh account of this campaign, from the initial Italian attacks to the Allied counter-offensive into Eritrea, Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland. Among the actions covered are Addis Ababa, Amba Alagi, Gondar, Tug Argan and Keren. This work presents an assessment of the forces involved of both sides, including Orde Wingate’s Gideon force, pro-Selassie Ethiopian irregulars and Eritrean and Somalian troops, as well as Indian, South African, British and Italian regular forces. With colourful artwork, detailed maps and diagrams, this book highlights an overlooked World War II campaign and the bloody fight for the Horn of Africa.



CAM 407 Second Arakan 1943–44: Shattering the Myth of Japanese Invincibility in Burma

By Tim Moreman

Illustrated by Johnny Shumate


A detailed examination of one of the crucial campaigns of World War II in Burma, in which British and Commonwealth forces achieved their first decisive victory over Japanese arms.

The hard-fought Second Arakan campaign was a second attempt by Allied arms to advance in the coastal Arakan region in western Burma, following a failed first effort in 1943. The battles fought shattered the myth of Japanese invincibility that had crippled the Allied cause for over two years, and for the first time offered the prospect of successful offensive operations against the Japanese in Burma.

Military historian Tim Moreman examines the wide range of actions that made up the Second Arakan campaign, from XV Indian Corps’ initial push down the Burmese coast towards Akyab Island, to the key events of the major Japanese Ha-Go operation launched by Twenty-Eighth Army. These include the Battle of the Admin Box near Sinweyza, where the surrounded 7th Indian Division inflicted a serious defeat on the Japanese 55th Division; the reinforcement of Imphal and Kohima; and the seizure of Razabil, the Tunnels and Point 551 between March and May 1944.

Packed with maps, diagrams, battlescene artwork and photographs that guide the reader through this complex campaign in easy to follow detail, this work provides a must-have illustrated companion to this decisive victory for British and Commonwealth arms over the Imperial Japanese Army.



CAM 411 The Kamenets-Podolsky Pocket 1944: Encirclement of Hube’s 1st Panzer Army

By Robert Forczyk

Illustrated by Adam Hook


A detailed exploration of a critical month-long battle, which set the stage for German strategic-level defeats on both the Eastern and Western fronts.

In February 1944, 1st Panzer Army (under Generaloberst Hube) played a major role in the relief operation that saved part of the German forces trapped in the Korsun Pocket. However, the losses suffered in that effort left Hube’s forces materially weakened, exhausted and with vulnerable flanks. Unexpectedly, Zhukov’s 1st Ukrainian Front and Konev’s 2nd Ukrainian Front attacked on 4 March, conducting a huge pincer operation against 1st Panzer Army. Within three weeks, Hube’s 200,000-strong army was isolated, with its back to the Dniester River. The destruction of Hube’s army would doubtless precipitate a rapid German collapse on the Eastern Front – two months before the Allied invasion of France.

In this work, Eastern Front expert Robert Forczyk presents a superbly illustrated examination of the initial Soviet encirclement operation, Hube’s full-scale breakout operation to save his army, and the relief operation by 2nd SS-Panzer Corps (redeployed from the West) in April 1944. Although Hube’s army managed to escape Zhukov’s trap, it lost most of its equipment and was no longer fully combat capable. The German Army in the East had been seriously weakened, and the amount of German armour deployed in the West to counter any Allied landings in France had simultaneously been reduced.



CAM 412 Hürtgen Forest 1944 (1): The US First Army’s Route to the Rhine

By Michael McNally

Illustrated by Darren Tan


The first part of a detailed study of one of the longest, and most brutal, tactical operations of World War II.

In September 1944, the Allied High Command continued to press eastwards towards the Rhine, the thrust being spearheaded by Courtney Hodges’ US First Army, whose proposed line of advance was through a wooded area south of Aachen, known locally as the Hürtgenwald – or Hürtgen Forest. On the opposing side, the German forces under the overall command of Walter Model would do all they could to defend the Reich, but also maintain a staging post for the forthcoming Battle of the Bulge.

Fought in brutal terrain – heavily wooded, riven with razor sharp ridgelines and precipitous cliffs, and with a woefully inadequate road network – and in all elements, the Battle of Hürtgen Forest was a grinding and protracted encounter where gains were measured in feet and yards and not miles. This study explores the first phase of this bloody battle, including the ‘Aachen Question’ facing the Allies. Featuring stunning artwork, detailed maps and diagrams, and period images, this book provides a gripping narrative of the infamous clash in the Hürtgen Forest, concluding with an assessment of the situation in November 1944, and the preparations for the next phase of operations.



CAM 413 Mukden 1905: Russia and Japan's Battle for Manchuria

By John Valitutto

Illustrated by Johnny Shumate


A compelling narrative of the largest land battle of its time, and the decisive engagement of the Russo-Japanese War.

Mukden stands out as the most significant battle of the Russo-Japanese War. By February 1905, the conflict had reached its culmination, as Port Arthur had fallen to the Japanese after an epic six-month siege. Now free to mass all his field armies, Japanese commander Marshal Oyama shifted his focus to the Russian forces assembled around the city of Mukden. The Russians, led by General Kuropatkin and numbering over 300,000 men, had finally achieved sufficient strength to conduct their own offensive. A Russian victory would be vital to save both deteriorating morale in the army, as well as to reassure the home front.

This fascinating work documents the decisive set-piece battle between the opposing sides on the plains and hills of Manchuria. Maps, diagrams, battlescene artwork and period photos bring to life the brutal clash, the largest battle in history up to that point. Exploring the unabated fighting across a 90-mile-long front in the depths of winter, this book considers the effectiveness of each armies’ manoeuvres, the trench warfare that prefigured World War I, and the influence of machine guns and massed heavy artillery on the battle’s outcome. Mukden made it clear to all that the conduct of war was changing, with new technologies and tactics demonstrating their terrible potential to the world.



CAM 414 Convoy PQ-17 1942: Disaster in the Arctic

By Angus Konstam

Illustrated by Adam Tooby


A gripping account of the most famous convoy operation of the war, which was the high-water mark for the German naval campaign in the Arctic.

The Arctic was a vital conduit for transporting supplies directly from Great Britain to Russia. The British Home Fleet was tasked with protecting these convoys, which passed within range of the German bases in Norway. By 1942, the Germans had reinforced their air and naval forces, stationing a powerful naval surface group there centred on the battleship Tirpitz.

Convoy PQ-17 was set to be the last convoy to sail until the autumn of 1942, and was a particularly large one, involving 35 merchant ships, over half of which were American. When it departed Reykjavik on 27 June, bound for Archangel, the Germans were ready and waiting. The convoy was the first large joint Anglo-American naval operation under British command.

Here, naval historian Angus Konstam documents the withdrawal of the Allied close escort to intercept the German raiders, and the devastating attacks on the scattered merchant ships by German aircraft and U-boats. Maps and diagrams plot the passage and fate of the convoy elements, and stunning artworks bring to life key moments of their efforts to escape. In the end, 24 Allied ships were sunk, and only ten merchant ships and four auxiliaries reached the port of Archangel. PQ-17 would prove to be the worst convoy loss of World War II.



CAM 415 The Jugurthine War 112–106 BC: Rome's 'Dirty War' in North Africa

By Nic Fields

Illustrated by Marco Capparoni


The fascinating story of Republican Rome’s gruelling six-year campaign against the insurgent Numidian warlord, Jugurtha.

Jugurtha, the adoptive son of Micipsa, king of the Numidians, was initially a much-respected ally of Rome, fighting gallantly alongside the Romans during the Numantine War in Iberia. Over the course of the campaign, however, the ambitious and hot-headed Jugurtha fell in with more unsavoury company, who urged him to stage a coup d’etat and wrest control of Numidia from the legitimate heirs to the throne. Although he was warned not to consort with some of Rome’s more crooked governing elites, this advice fell on deaf ears, beginning a civil war. Rome’s response was to decide on war to punish Jugurtha for his acts of aggression. Among the commanders proving their worth against this formidable opponent would be Quintus Metellus and Gaius Marius.

Here, classical historian Dr Nic Fields narrates the events of a bruising six-year campaign against the wily, elusive Jugurtha. He explores how Roman military performance was hampered by petty rivalries, knee-jerk partisanship, and grubby jostling between commanders. With photographs and artwork bringing the clashes in North Africa to life, the maps and diagrams guide the reader through this lengthy campaign. The war constituted an important stage in the Roman subjugation of North Africa, and the rise of the empire.



CAM 416 Cynoscephalae 197 BC: Rome humbles Macedon

By Mark van der Enden

Illustrated by Marco Capparoni


A fascinating, illustrated study of how the Roman Republican legions defeated the Macedonian army’s much-vaunted phalanxes.

The Battle of Cynoscephalae represents a key moment in the history of the Greco-Roman world, witnessing the end of decades of Macedonian dominance of Aegean Greece and heralding the rise of Rome in its place. The proud Macedonian kingdom of Philip V was humbled, and its army – including the much-vaunted phalanxes – utterly ruined. Yet the battle, and campaign leading up to it, was hard fought and protracted. Philip V had successfully defied Rome in the First Macedonian War and was poised to do so again. The phalanx continued to represent a fierce and daunting opponent for the Roman legionaries in 197 BC.

Here, classical historian Dr Mark van der Enden explores the Battle of Cynoscephalae as the culmination of three years of intensive campaigning; the Battle of Aio Stena (198 BC) is also covered in detail. The wide range of troops of the two opposing armies, and their weaponry and tactics are revealed in battlescene artworks and photos of material culture. Maps and diagrams explore the movements to battle, and the command decisions that played a crucial role in the outcome. Dr van der Enden also examines whether Flaminius’ victory truly demonstrated the superiority of the Roman legion (armed with short swords and javelins) over the Antigonid phalanx (armed with lengthy pikes), as is often claimed.



CAM 417 Second Sirte 1942: The Desperate Battle to Relieve Malta

By Angus Konstam

Illustrated by Adam Tooby


The Second Battle of Sirte was a key naval clash in the Mediterranean, and a vital moment in the struggle for the survival of the island of Malta.

Malta was the key to the hard-fought naval campaign being waged in the Mediterranean, a link in the vital Axis supply lines between Italy and North Africa. Struggling under a sustained Axis bombing campaign, Malta depended on convoys of supplies to survive. Axis air formations dominated the skies, making any attempt to relieve the island extremely hazardous. In December 1941, a convoy from the east led to an inconclusive clash with the Italians at the First Battle of Sirte. In late March 1942, when the British tried again, the Italians were ready for them. The decisive clash came on the afternoon of 22 March. British destroyers launched a series of spirited torpedo attacks against the Italian battleships, and by the evening, the Italians had enough and broke off the action. However, at dawn, the Axis aircraft appeared and a series of intense air attacks followed, forcing the British to call off the operation. All four merchant ships were lost.

This highly illustrated title by renowned naval historian Angus Konstam demonstrates the importance of radar, intelligence and airpower, and above all, determination and grit in the face of a superior enemy. It remains one of the most dashing naval battles of the war.



CAM 418 Yugoslavia 1941–44: Anti-Partisan Operations

By Pier Paolo Battistelli

Illustrated by Johnny Shumate


A unique visual exploration of partisan and anti-partisan warfare in Yugoslavia between 1941 and 1944.

Following the Axis invasion and occupation of Yugoslavia in April 1941, a brutal insurgency (based both on ethnic and political affiliations) broke out in the German and Italian occupied areas. The result was protracted multi-partite struggle. The principal forces opposing the Axis occupation comprised Tito’s communist Partisans, and, initially, Draza Mihailovic’s royalist Chetniks; these two parties soon came into conflict with each other. Further complications comprised the shifting allegiances of Allied support, and the brutal ethnic cleansing and ideological warfare waged by the forces of occupation, and their internal allies, under the ‘anti-partisan’ moniker. In 1942, the first of seven major counter-insurgency operations was carried out by Axis forces. These took place in every part of the country, aiming to annihilate the main core of resistance.

With colourful artwork, detailed maps and period images, this book reveals the military culture of the wide range of opposing forces involved. It also covers the planning and execution of each operation, from the autumn 1941 offensive against the Republic of Užice through to the final attack in western Bosnia in spring 1944. The result is a unique visual exploration of one of the most complex and least studied offensives of World War II.



CAM 419 Manila Bay 1898: Dawn of an American Empire

By Brian Lane Herder

Illustrated by Edouard A. Groult


A fascinating illustrated history of the “first Pacific War,” which saw the United States transform itself into an outward-looking, expansionist great power.

In April 1898, the United States and Spain declared war on each other. Led by Commodore George Dewey, the small US Asiatic Squadron departed China and attacked the Spanish naval squadron defending Manila Bay on May 1. After a decisive victory, the US squadron waited for an improvised US Army invasion to support them in the Philippines. Simultaneously, a Filipino insurrection under a charismatic young native named Aguinaldo liberated most of the Philippines on its own and laid siege to Manila. This resulted in three warring sides vying for supremacy, with each fixed on their own unique political goals.

Here, respected author Brian Lane Herder explores why the 1898 US campaign in the Philippines permanently transformed US foreign policy, and highlights the importance of the Filipino rebels in defeating the Spanish. Illustrated with stunning battlescenes, photographs, and informative maps and diagrams, this work covers the May 1 naval battle between the US and Spanish cruiser squadrons, the May–August Philippines land campaign, the capture of Guam, and the annexation of Hawaii. The resultant work is one of the first to address the entire Pacific theater of the Spanish–American War, including both military and diplomatic developments.



CAM 420 Stoke 1487: The Last Battle of the Wars of the Roses

By Dickon Whitewood

Illustrated by Graham Turner


An in-depth look at the last battle of the Wars of the Roses, which decisively ended the Yorkist cause and ensured the Tudor dominance that followed.

The Battle of Stoke is popularly considered to be the last battle of the Wars of the Roses. Less than two years previously, King Henry VII had been crowned on the battlefield following his victory over Richard III at Bosworth. Henry soon took steps to secure his crown, and made certain to keep control of any potential rivals. However, following rumours about an imposter claiming the crown, a growing number of rebels began to form ranks to oppose Henry. Despite some initial success, the rebels failed to secure the support of any former Ricardians of significant standing. Moving south, the rebels met the hastily assembled but more numerous army of Henry VII outside the village of East Stoke.

The battle that followed is one of the least documented battles of the period, but remains a highly interesting and significant battle, not only as the final decisive action in the bloody Wars of the Roses, but also due to the nature of the soldiers present. The rebel army consisted of a mixture of English, Irish, Swiss and German men – a highly unusual combination that had drastic effects on the course of the battle. With stunning artwork and detailed maps, this expertly written title offers in-depth coverage the last battle of the Wars of the Roses.



CAM 421 Sinai 1916–17: The Fight for the Suez Canal

By Stuart Hadaway

Illustrated by Graham Turner


A fascinating dive into the overlooked fight between the British Empire’s Egyptian Expeditionary Force and the Ottoman Empire for control of the Suez Canal.

The Battle of Romani was fought between Britain’s Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) and the Ottoman Empire’s Sinai Expeditionary Force in the Sinai Desert in early August 1916. The Ottoman objective was to disrupt and cut off the Suez Canal. The EEF’s main objective was to protect the Canal and the flow of materials that were struggling to keep the war economies of Britain, France and Italy working. The two sides came to a head on 4–5 August, resulting in the defeat of the Ottomans. The EEF continued to advance to the edge of the desert by the end of the year. In this defeat, not only did Britain secure its supply lines, but it was also the first major land victory against the Ottoman Empire. The tide was finally turning in the war between the empires.

Historian Stuart Hadaway provides an in-depth look at the much-overlooked Sinai Campaign, which was a victory of immense strategic importance in World War I. However, it was a hard-won battle with critical mistakes made on both sides. Illustrated with period photographs, detailed maps and stunning artwork, this book examines the fight for the Canal, the lessons the EEF failed to learn, and how the courage and bravery of the Australian and New Zealander troops saved the situation on many occasions.



CAM 234 Nomonhan/Khalkhin Gol 1939: Zhukov’s Victory in the Soviet–Japanese Border War

By David Murphy

Illustrated by Johnny Shumate


A fascinating illustrated study of an often overlooked conflict in military history in which Soviet forces proved themselves adept at modern air and land warfare.

In the 1930s, the Soviet Union found itself caught in the middle between Germany and Japan. Stalin’s focus was on the rising Nazi tide, but he worried about the Japanese. Their presence in Manchuria posed a threat on his eastern flank. In May 1939, the 129-day border war – known as Khalkhin Gol to the Soviets and Nomonhan to the Japanese – broke out. Minor cross-border raids escalated into full-scale clashes between the Soviet, Mongolian and Japanese armies. When Hitler invaded Poland, an opportunity arose for both sides to disengage, and on 15 September 1939, the war came to a close. The border war would lead to an uneasy peace between the two nations until the dying days of World War II.

This superbly illustrated work analyses this critical engagement on the eve of World War II. It documents the first major air offensive undertaken by Soviet forces, which, in combination with ground units, was to prove devastatingly effective. It also examines how the Japanese defeat led to a re-evaluation of their strategic plans and a shift in focus to the Pacific. The photographs, maps and battlescene artworks bring to life the infantry, armour and aircraft of the opposing sides, as well as the terrain along the Mongolia–Manchukuo border where this conflict was fought.



CAM 422 Bouvines 1214: Philippe Augustus and the Battle for France

By James Titterton

Illustrated by Graham Turner


A detailed look at the battle of Bouvines, which saw Philippe II of France defeat the German and English coalition forces, changing the history of Europe forever.

In early 1214, a coalition of forces led by Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV and bankrolled by King John of England was assembled to face off against France’s King Philippe Augustus. Its aim was to reclaim much of the territory that Philippe had taken in the past decade. A campaign was planned on two fronts: John’s army in Poitou and Otto’s army in northern France. The battle of Bouvines took place in Flanders in July 1214 – and it was a crushing defeat for the coalition armies. The French knights outmatched them at every turn.

Philippe’s win changed European history – not only did the coalition lose the land they had hoped to reclaim, but Otto was deposed as Holy Roman Emperor and John’s position was so weakened that he was forced into signing the Magna Carta in 1215. The Flemish leaders were captured and imprisoned and Philippe set out to expand the French empire unopposed. Bouvines was one of the most significant battles in European history, helping to establish the nation of France as it is today and resulting in the brutal defeat of the coalition leaders. With stunning artwork, detailed maps and period images, this book charts the clash of European chivalry and two crowned kings on the field of battle.



CAM 423 Hansando and Busan 1592: Admiral Yi Sun-shin’s First Victories

By Yuhan Kim

Illustrated by Darren Tan


A detailed look at Admiral Yi’s four 1592 sorties that decimated the Japanese navy and established him as a national hero.

In 1592, Admiral Yi Sun-shin planned a series of attacks against the Japanese navy. His first two campaigns in June and July, respectively, saw him destroy several isolated Japanese squadrons engaged in coastal raiding activities. Once informed of these attacks, Japanese samurai and daimyo Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered his daimyos to assemble their ships in a dedicated task force to meet Yi in battle. In his third campaign, Yi was able to successfully lure out Wakizaka Yasuharu’s fleet and destroy it in August at the Battle of Hansando. Yi and his ships then sunk the fleets of Kuki Yoshitaka and Kato Yoshitanki at Angolpo. To capitalize on this victory, the Koreans then bombarded the Japanese fleet at Busan in September.

With period images, colourful artwork and detailed maps, this book delves into Admiral Yi’s tactics, which were decisive in stopping the momentum of the Japanese advance into Korea. These naval engagements destabilized the Japanese grip on the southern coast and ended hopes of sustaining their armies by sea. Historian Yuhan Kim brings to life the actions of one of the greatest naval commanders in the world and explores why Admiral Yi was so successful.



CAM 424 Battle of the Atlantic (2): From Operation Drumbeat to the Defeat of the Wolfpacks, 1942–43

By Mark Stille

Illustrated by Jim Laurier


The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest and best-known naval campaign of World War II, and this volume details the dramatic success and failures of Hitler’s U-boats in the mid-war years.

At the start of 1942, the German benefited from the utter lack of American preparations to defend shipping along the US East Coast, and this ‘Second Happy Time’ saw serious Allied losses between January and June 1942. After this Allied debacle, the focus shifted to the mid-Atlantic by July 1942 and the U-boat wolfpacks took a growing toll on Allied shipping and looked ready to seriously threaten the Atlantic shipping lanes by March 1943.

Respected naval historian Mark Stille analyses this critical period in the Battle of the Atlantic, describing how Allied advances in technology and intelligence saw the balance shift, with a stunning 34 boats lost in May 1943 alone and the Germans forced to withdraw from the mid-Atlantic. He also examines whether the Germans could ever have actually threatened the Allied sea lanes of communication in any meaningful way. Using maps, diagrams, photographs and stunning battlescene artworks, the weapons, personalities, and tactics of the opposing sides are brought vividly to life in a unique and engaging way.