
In the last years of his reign Henry VIII needed a radically modern system of defence to protect England and its new Church. Anticipating a foreign onslaught from Catholic Europe after his split from Rome, Henry energetically began construction of more than 20 stone forts to protect England's major ports and estuaries. Aided by excellent illustrations, Peter Harrington explores the departure from artillery-vulnerable medieval castle designs, to the low, sturdy stone fortresses inspired by European ideas. He explains the scientific care taken to select sites for these castles, and the transition from medieval to modern in this last surge of English castle construction.

Product details

Published May 20 2013
Format Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Edition 1st
Extent 64
ISBN 9781472803801
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 15 b/w; 37 col
Series Fortress
Short code FOR 66
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Peter Harrington

Peter Harrington, a native of Manchester, England,…


Brian Delf

BRIAN DELF began his career producing artwork for…


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