Cold War Fleet

Ships of the Royal Navy 1966–91 A Photographic Album

Cold War Fleet cover

Cold War Fleet

Ships of the Royal Navy 1966–91 A Photographic Album

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A unique collection of superb photographs of vessels of the Royal Navy from 1966–91, ideal for regular buyers of the Warship series.

Cold War Fleet
is a selection of photographs of Royal Navy vessels from the 25 years from 1966 to 1991. Each is reproduced at an exceptionally high standard, accompanied by a detailed caption. Many of the photos are completely unique and have never been published, such as the images of the minesweepers HMS Wilton and HMS Bossington photographed during Operation Rheostat in 1974. There are many ships displayed that took part in the Falklands conflict and a large number of aerial photographs.

Created by two of the most acclaimed naval photographers in the world, this stunning book is a window back in time to the Royal Navy of the Cold War, showing a fleet created to defend Britain and other NATO countries from Soviet attack.

Featuring every kind of ship from aircraft carriers and destroyers to auxiliary vessels, this is a peerless resource for any enthusiast of naval history.

Table of Contents

Authors' preface
Acknowledgements and thanks
The Cold War fleet
Glossary and abbreviation
The photographs

Aircraft carriers
Patrol craft
Mine warfare vessels
Amphibious warfare vessels
Survey ships
Tankers and stores ships
Depot, experimental and other support vessels
Harbour craft and tenders

Index of ship photos
Pennant numbers 1966–91

Product details

Published Mar 21 2019
Format Ebook (PDF)
Edition 1st
Extent 272
ISBN 9781472833723
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Series General Military
Short code GNM
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Clive Taylor

Clive Taylor has been photographing naval shipping…


Sue Taylor

Sue Taylor has been photographing naval shipping f…


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