Shenandoah 1864

Sheridan’s valley campaign

Shenandoah 1864 cover


Virginia's Shenandoah Valley in 1864 was the scene of one of the most crucial campaigns of the Civil War. The outcome of the fighting there would have consequences that stretched far outside the valley to help decide the fate of the nation.

In 1864 the Union Army's new commander, Ulysses Grant, created the Union's first cohesive strategy for conquering the Confederacy. One of his key objectives was to control the Shenandoah Valley. The valley shielded the Confederacy, served as the bread basket for Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, and provided remounts for Confederate cavalry. When an initial invasion in spring 1864 failed in the face of a skillful counter-attack by General Jubal Early, Grant turned to his cavalry commander, Brigadier-General Philip Sheridan, to drive the Confederacy from the valley.
On August 7, 1864, "Little Phil" assumed command of the Army of the Shenandoah, as the new command was styled. Over the next 90 days two armies--the Union forces led by Sheridan and the Confederate troops commanded by Early--maneuvered across the Shenandoah Valley in a storied campaign of move and countermove, where unexpected attacks were met by equally unexpected ripostes. The stakes in the battles were not just the fate of one disputed agricultural valley in the United States. Rather, its implications would be felt throughout a nation torn by Civil War. Victory or defeat in the Shenandoah could affect the outcome of the Presidential election to be held in November 1864. Confederate loss of the Valley would cripple the Army of Northern Virginia. Sheridan's eventual victory helped ensure Lincoln's re-election and removed the Confederate threat, hastening the eventual end to the Civil War.

Table of Contents

Opposing commanders
Opposing armies
Opposing plans
The campaign
The battlefield today
Further reading

Product details

Published Oct 21 2014
Format Paperback
Edition 1st
Extent 96
ISBN 9781472804839
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Dimensions 10 x 7 inches
Series Campaign
Short code CAM 274
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Mark Lardas

Mark Lardas has always been fascinated by things r…


Adam Hook

Adam Hook studied graphic design, and began his wo…


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