Over the last year our production department has been working very hard to find a cost-effective solution to bring back a lot of our old (and not-so-old titles) that have gone out of stock. After some frustrating false starts and changing suppliers we think we may actually be there and you should see a lot more of our titles back in stock on the website and in the bookshops over the coming months.
First off the press, and just in time for the anniversary is Campaign 83: Corunna 1809 the account of Sir John Moore's fighting retreat in the face of the armies of Napoleon. Covering his advance into Spain, through the cavalry action at Sahagun, the retreat to the coast and the final battle at Corunna this is an excellent account by Philip Haythornwaite with some really good art from Christa Hook. I've grabbed my copy already.
Anyway we'll keep you up to date on the old books coming back into stock as they happen. I'm looking forward to the day when every single one is available.
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