There are not many, if any Osprey fans who don't know the name Angus McBride. His fantastic artwork has graced dozens of Osprey books, and at times it seems as if he single-handedly illustrated the Men-at-Arms series. But did you know that Angus, not just content with illustrating, also turned his hand to writing? And in fact went on to author a Men-at-Arms title.
Men-at-Arms 57 The Zulu War is written by Angus McBride...and illustrated by Angus McBride. Now Angus is not the only person to have authored and illustrated one of our books - Mike Chappell wrote and illustrated about a dozen books, and a couple of our aviation authors have also provided line art or plane profiles for their books.
I guess in the long run it makes it less likely that the author is going to be disappointed with the artists interpretation of the material - but goes to show the incredible talent that some of our contributors have. It is always said that everyone has at least one book in them - but whoever coined that phrase probably didn't envisage the author illustrating the book too!

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