Obviously we are really thrilled to be able to welcome another bunch of incredibly enthusiastic publishers into our group, Angry Robot's core values and vision is very similar to our own...except that their customers prefer to read about aliens, space travel, and a steampunk vision of an alternate London, rather than titles on antiques or rural history!
Apart from maybe allowing ourselves a bit of a celebratory tipple this evening, it is business as usual for Shire. Don't worry, we are not going to plunge into Sci-Fi topics ourselves, so no copies of Discovering Anti-grav Space Suits of the Outer Nebula or a Shire Collection covering the Spaceports of the Delta Quadrants.
Although, following the success of our Fashion in the Time of Jane Austen book maybe we should follow the example of the recent re-release of Pride and Prejudice (with added Zombies) and launch a book on Zombie Fashions in the Time of Jane Austen?
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