Duxford Flying Legends 30 June – 1 July 2012 gallery – legendary planes, and even a visit to the ever camera shy Tony Holmes!
The day starts – if you are canny – with a quick stop in to our friends at The Fighter Collection’s tent. In exchange for a year's membership (which is worth it for the newsletters and aircraft updates alone) you get to put your gear down and walk the flight line. This really is a great deal as you get to have a “base” to operate from as well as get close up for excellent photo ops with these aircraft. Just for a quickie we popped into one of the bookseller’s tents and found our man from Osprey – Tony Holmes the Aviation Editor at large peddling and talking about his books. Always great for a chat is Tony and it is good to talk to someone who is in the Osprey know!
Then we had a little jaunt down the flight line. It's only opened till 12 noon, so it pays to get there early and you won’t have such a rushed photo experience. Some many great details you see on these aircraft the closer you get. It was great to see the folding wings of the naval planes, the powerful American fighters like the silver Lightning and the all-new Thunderbolt (picture above) were particularly impressive, as well as the gaggle of Spitfires with their early marques creating some interest. Right the way through to the older biplane and elegant C-47 Dakota and the Ju52 “Tante Ju” – and who could forget the beautiful Catalina??
Quickly before the show started we popped into the hangars. From the Battle of Britain, to the modern British aircraft hangar to the Fighter collection and the American airpower hanger this place is stocked with some amazing aircraft to see and get close up with. It is great to see some classic aircraft under repair as well. Hopefully next year these will be flying.
Then on to the Flying display itself – these are just SOME of the many pictures I took – around 1000 or so - but I hope they illustrate the great views of the aircraft the public got to see.
A great day was ended by the mass fly-by – the “Balbo” which put all of the participants in the air at once – a truly massive showpiece that the Flying Legends is famous for… See you there next year? Of course!!
But first well get some books for the way home....
Adam N
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