The Air Vanguard series - developed with your help - has had a great start to its life as an Osprey series and 2014 continues that trend with some really great titles. Of course, when as series is as young as Air Vanguard, the biggest challenge tends to be actually whittling down the huge number of potential titles on offer, whilst maintaining a bit of balance to the list. I think we have managed this pretty well so far, and it looks like we have been able to continue this in 2014.
Air Vanguard 12 Lockheed A-12: The CIA's Blackbird and other variants (Jan 2014)
Air Vanguard 13 Albatros D.III-D.III(OAW) (March 2014)
Air Vanguard 14 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 (June 2014)
Air Vanguard 15 Junkers Ju87 Stuka (July 2014)
Air Vanguard ?? Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter (October 2014)
Air Vanguard ?? Vought F4U Corsair (November 2014)
Remember, this info is only accurate as I type this... things do change and move from time to time. In fact, I vaguely recall typing up a list of the Air Vanguard titles that were going to launch the series - with only a 75% accuracy rate on that occasion!
Are you happy bunnies? Or is your favourite fighter / bomber / trainer / spy plan missing from this list?
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