Today might be the annual Osprey summer party, but that doesn't mean we just up sticks and stop working. Oh no. Even whilst we are stuffing our faces, being sociable and inevitably causing some terrible sporting injuries whilst playing 'friendly' games like rounders, work is still ticking over. Printers are printing. Authors are authoring. Illustrators are illustrating.
And we are continuing our reveal of the 2014 upcoming titles by pulling away the curtain and uncovering the fabulous Aircraft of the Aces titles that you can expect lining the shelves of your favourite book stores next year.
Aircraft of the Aces 117 Aces of the 325th Fighter Group (Jan 2014)
Aircraft of the Aces 119 F6F Hellcat Aces of VF-9 (March 2914)
Aircraft of the Aces 120 P-38 Lightning Aces 1942-43 (May 2014)
Aircraft of the Aces 121 Morane-Saulnier MS.406 Aces (May 2014)
Aircraft of the Aces ??? Spitfire Aces of Northwest Europe (September 2014)
Aircraft of the Aces ??? Reconnaissance and Bomber Aces of World War I (November 2014)
Aircraft of the Aces ??? Arctic Bf 109 and Bf 110 Aces (December 2014)
Now the more eagle-eyed plane spotters out there will have noticed that the last three books in that list have some rather mysterious '???' instead of series numbers. This is nothing to worry about, it just means that the books have only been approved relatively recently and are still waiting to be allocated their correct series number.
Remember, as ever, all of this information is subject to change, but how do those tickle your tail rudder?
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