I was a little tempted to draw out the agony a little bit longer and post up a 'best of the rest' coming in 2014 post before revealing the 2014 Campaign titles... but that would have been downright mean and would have meant that we would not have revealed the Campaign titles in August, which I had promised to do.
So at last - here is our planned 2014 publication schedule for Campaign!
Campaign 259 The Chesapeake Campaigns 1813-1815 (Jan 2014)
Campaign 263 Hong Kong 1941-45 (May 2014)
Campaign 264 Fall Gelb 1940 (1) Army Group A (April 2014)
Campaign 266 Bayonne and Toulouse 1813-14: Wellington invades France (March 2014)
Campaign 267 Wilderness and Spotsylvania 1864 (May 2014)
Campaign 268 Operation Neptune 1944: D-Day's Seabourne Armada (Feb 2014)
Campaign 269 Alesia 52 BC: The final struggle for Gaul (June 2014)
Campaign 270 Operation Market-Garden 1944 (1) The American Airborne Missions (July 2014)
Campaign 271 The Conquest of Saxony 782-785 AD: Charlemagne's defeat of Widukind of Westphalia (August 2014)
Campaign ??? Kursk 1943: The Northern Front (September 2014)
Campaign ??? Point Pleasant 1774: Prelude to the American Revolution (September 2014)
Campaign ??? Ramilies 1706: Marlborough's tactical masterpiece (October 2014)
Campaign ??? Shenandoah 1864: Sheridan's valley campaign (October 2014)
Campaign ??? Waterloo 1815 (1) Quatre Bras (November 2014)
So, quite a big year for Campaign, though the ranks of Campaign titles have been swelled somewhat by some of the 2013 titles running late. As ever with these lists there is the possibility of dates (and sometimes as evidenced this year - the actual publishing year can change!) Of course we try to avoid this wherever we can, but we do need to make sure that the book meets our quality standards - and if we try to rush through a book before it is ready we can end up producing something that doesn't meet our - or your - high standards.
Keep an eye out for a best-of-the-rest blog in a couple of days time!
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