From time to time a member of the Osprey team, or an author, or even at times an illustrator sneaks into some Osprey artwork. Just off the top of my head I recall our piractical expert Angus Konstam being given the Angus McBride treatment whilst Peter Dennis has been known to use family members to populate some of his scenes.
This year we invited Peter Dennis down to Salute, to do a painting exhibition on our stand. While he was on the stand, painting and chatting to a pretty constant stream of fans it appears as if he was also making a couple of sneaky sketches - as Osprey editors Joe and Phil discovered a couple of days ago. Whilst Joe (former blogmaster and editor for Osprey Adventures) and Phil (Air Vanguard and New Vanguard overlord, plus top editor for our wargames series) were manning the stand, selling piles of books and bantering with punters it would appear that Peter was taking note, and the results are clear to see in the latest piece of artwork to arrive for Myth: Robin Hood.
Here you can see the two proud editors with their artwork (if you want to stalk them, Phil is on the left, Joe on the right):
And now a close up...
Now, I have to admit, the quality is not great (as the images are taken on my rather ropey cameraphone) so the colours and resolution will be much better - but this gives a pretty good comparison. The only thing really missing is the piles of books and minis that usually cover the workspace in front of Joe and Phil. Though that pie looks rather tasty...
If you want to know more about our upcoming book on Robin Hood - keep an eye out on - where you can join a band of merry men and poach some deer (joining of Merry Men and/or/ poaching of deer not guaranteed). You can also see a bit more of Peter's work at Salute here.
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