Over the last couple of months you have all been having your say on what subjects we should revisit in some of our classic series. Last month we covered Warrior - and the results of your suggestions are being put to the book vote over the next four weeks!
We have reached the last of our revisiting blogs now though - as many of our remaining series are simply too young to be revisiting titles quite yet. And this month we are also running a combination of series in one - Aircraft of the Aces plus Combat Aircraft.
So, this month is your opportunity to let us know what subjects you think we should revisit in the ACE and COM series - both of which now have over 100 titles in their catalogues. Aircraft of the Aces first landed on bookshelves back in 1994, before welcoming its wingman Combat Aircraft into the hangar in 1997. Together they have dominated our aviation lists - welcoming late comers from the Duel and Air Vanguard series (plus a helicopter or two from the New Vanguard series). But did have all of the books in both series satisfied your quest for knowledge. Would you like to know more?
You know the drill by now - but don't forget to include which series you think it should fit into!
The Rules!
Suggest two titles that you think we should revisit - with a brief sentence explaining why and how.
You have a third slot that you can use to support a suggestion made by another poster.
Remember, if your ideas have already been listed, chip in to support them anyway!
At the end of the month we will tally up the results and put the most popular to a book vote.
And last, but not least, this is for subjects already covered in Aircraft of the Aces and Combat Aircraft. An opportunity to suggest brand new titles on the blog will emerge in the future, and the forum and book suggestion drop box continue to be monitored by us!
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