On the 1st May I posed a question, asking what subjects we should revisit in the Men-at-Arms series, and the response was fantastic. We have gone through all of your responses to tally up the recurring highlights and popped those in our Book Vote for June. So get voting on which subject you think deserves to be revisited in Men-at-Arms.
A few of you just couldn't hold back from also suggesting some titles in the series we are now turning to. Campaign!
As one of our key series and with already 270 odd titles in it's back catalogue, Campaign is one of the series most ripe for revisiting. In fact, in some cases we have already gone back to revisit certain subjects. The very first book in the series, CAM 1 Normandy 1944 just didn't provide the coverage the subject deserved, so we went back to fill in the gaps, starting in 2003 with CAM 100 D-Day 1944 (1) Omaha Beach. That was followed by a book for Utah Beach and the US Airborne Landings (CAM 104), then by a book on Sword Beach and the British Airborne Landings (CAM 105) and last but not least by a book on Gold and Juno Beaches (CAM 112). More recently, and in time for the 200th anniversary, Campaign 15 Waterloo is being revisited with a three book series on the battle, with the first book CAM 276 Waterloo 1815 (1) Quatre Bras out in November 2014.
But which of the other battles and conflicts covered in Campaign do you think deserve another look? Do they need to be updated or do they require a more elongated treatment? Let us know your thoughts!
The Rules!
- Suggest two titles that you think we should revisit - with a brief sentence explaining why and how.
- You have a third slot that you can use to support a suggestion made by another poster.
- Remember, if your ideas have already been listed, chip in to support them anyway!
- At the end of the month we will tally up the results and put the most popular to a book vote.
- And last, but not least, this is for subjects already covered in Campaign. An opportunity to suggest brand new titles on the blog will emerge in the future, and the forum and book suggestion drop box continue to be monitored by us!
So... now it is over to you... post away!
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