Next up in the Big Reveal we have Warrior, which will be seeing two new titles join its ranks in 2017.
Roman Legionary 109 - 58 BC
From 109 BC, when the cohort replaced the maniple as the crucial tactical subunit of the legion, the centurion, although inferior in military rank and social class, superseded the tribune as the most important officer in the legion. The Roman centurion, holding the legionaries steady before the barbarian horde and then leading them forward to victory, was the heroic exemplar of the Roman world, the personification of virtus – masculine valour and excellence. This period is often overlooked, but the invincible legions that Julius Caesar led into Gaul were the refined products of 50 years of military reforms.
British Tank Crewman 1939-45
Great Britain had introduced the tank to warfare during World War I and maintained its superiority with the ‘Experimental Mechanised Force’ during the late 1920s, which combined lorried infantry with fast tanks to produce good results against more conventional forces in several major exercises. Despite these successes, the Experimental Mechanised Force was disbanded due to a mixture of defence cuts in the 1930s depression (so severe that even soldiers' pay was cut) and opposition from traditionalist officers, especially from the cavalry. Britain thus lost leadership in tank warfare, and was relatively unprepared for World War II, both in terms of doctrine and equipment. However, it quickly became obvious that building a large and effective armoured force would be key to defeating Germany.
This study examines the men who crewed the tanks of Britain’s armoured force, which was only four battalions large in 1939. It looks at the recruitment and training of the vast numbers of men required, their equipment, appearance and combat experience in every theatre of the war.
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