We would like to apologise for the glitch in the book vote. We are working getting this resolved as soon as we can. While we fix this issue, we have put this month's book vote here. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
This month the book vote looks at Men at Arms, Osprey's longest running series, with five new books battling for your vote. Find out more about them in the descriptions below, and then let us know which one you'd be most interested in!
MAA: The Army of Tutankhamun: Egyptian Warfare in the late 18th Dynasty MAA: The Imperial Japanese Army Air Force, 1912–45
MAA: The Kriegsmarine 1935–45
MAA: Czechoslovak Armies 1939–45
The Army of Tutankhamun: Egyptian Warfare in the late 18th Dynasty
Ancient Egypt’s 18th Dynasty (1549–1292 BC) included among its rulers Thutmose III, seen by many as Ancient Egypt’s most successful military leader, and Amenhotep II, whose reign saw the Egyptian empire achieve its greatest influence. During the reign of Tutankhamun, efforts were made to restore Egypt’s international standing following the upheavals of Akhenaten’s reign, and the young pharaoh’s burial goods included military equipment.
The Goths, 3rd–7th Centuries AD
The Goths, a Germanic people from north of the Danube, were instrumental in the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. While the Visigoths would migrate across Europe, crushing the Emperor Valens’ Roman army at Adrianople and then establishing a kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula, the Ostrogoths would establish a kingdom in Italy before eventually being defeated by the Eastern Roman Empire in the 6th century.
The Imperial Japanese Army Air Force, 1912–45
The IJAAF originated in the Japanese use of balloons during the war with Russia in 1904–05 and expanded substantially in the ensuing decades. The Army’s aviators were tasked with close air support for ground forces and aerial reconnaissance, and played a vital role in Japan’s campaigns in East Asia and the Pacific from the early 1930s. By the end of World War II, IJAAF personnel numbered more than 650,000, fully one-tenth of Japan’s total military manpower.
The Kriegsmarine 1935–45
Founded in 1935, Nazi Germany’s naval forces crewed battleships, destroyers, torpedo boats and submarines, manned coastal artillery throughout Occupied Europe and ultimately contributed large numbers of ground troops in the closing stages of World War II. During the Kriegsmarine’s ten-year existence the Third Reich’s naval personnel were kitted out with a variety of distinctive uniforms and personal equipment and served in a host of challenging environments, from the South Atlantic to the Black Sea.
Czechoslovak Armies 1939–45
Although the young state of Czechoslovakia was dismembered by Germany and other neighbouring countries in 1938–39, many of its population fought on, some in exile alongside the Western Allies and others in the resistance movement, while the Slovak Republic, a client state of Nazi Germany, sent an expeditionary force into Poland in 1939 and the Soviet Union in 1941.
Last month we asked you what would you like to see published in our Duel series. Thank you to everyone who voted and provided feedback, the full results are listed below!
DUE: US PT Boat vs Tokyo Express: The Pacific, 1942–43 | 25% |
DUE: Jagdpanzer 38 ‘Hetzer’ vs Su-76: 1944–45 | 20% |
DUE: M3 Stuart light tank vs Japanese Anti-Tank Weapons: The Pacific, 1941–45 | 19% |
DUE: Atlantic Wall vs Allied Battleships: 1943–44 | 18% |
DUE: US Armor vs Iraqi Armor: Operation Desert Storm, 1991 | 18% |
Did your favourite win? Which Men at Arms title did you vote for? Let us know in the comments!
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