Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars (1)


Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars (1) cover


When Frederick II (later known as Frederick the Great) came to the throne in 1740, he had three advantages for which he owed thanks to his father: a modern, well-organised state; full coffers; and a properly trained and equipped army. Under a leader as renowned as Seydlitz, the Prussian cavalry achieved the nearest to a state of perfection that it was ever going to. So great was its reputation in the Seven Years' War that Napoleon made a special point of warning his men at the beginning of the 1806 campaign to beware of the Prussian cavalry.

Product details

Published Mar 20 2012
Format Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Edition 1st
Extent 48
ISBN 9781780965239
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 50 b/w; 8 col
Series Men-at-Arms
Short code MAA 162
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Peter Hofschröer

Peter Hofschroer is a recognised expert on the Ger…


Bryan Fosten


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